Jason Townsend Online space communicator by day who craves good friends, food + wine by night

Jason Townsend Online
"Using Social Media to Build Your Brand and Keep Your Workforce Strong" - Partnership for Public Service

Social technologies can help your agency attract and engage both prospective talent and current employees by meeting these individuals where they already are—online. Developing your agency's virtual presence is critical to building and managing your brand, recruiting the right people, and recognizing your existing employees. In today’s fiscal environment, effectively using social technologies can be a budget-friendly way to maintain your agency’s presence as an employer of choice.

Please join us for an interactive workshop on Wednesday, June 12 from 8:30 to 11:00 a.m. to find out how your organization can select and implement social media to attract and hire talent. You will also learn which tools can be used most effectively in the federal space and tips for employing them at your agency through case studies and practical examples from government and private sector leaders.

Learn more: http://pps.convio.net/site/MessageViewer?em_id=12361.0&dlv_id=0

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About Me
Jason is an industry leader in communications with over 14 years of experience in strategic and innovative use of digital tools, social media messaging and website content. Now leading efforts in NASA's strategic communications, he's previously directed the efforts of and executed some of the largest Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat accounts across those platforms, working on projects that have earned Emmy awards, Shorty Awards for best use of social media and Webby Awards for best corporate use of social media and websites. He is currently a communications program manager at NASA where he is responsible for leading the planning, development and implementation of strategic communications efforts across the agency.
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Contact Me
Located just off H Street
Washington, D.C. 20002

[email protected]