Jason Townsend Online space communicator by day who craves good friends, food + wine by night

Jason Townsend Online


Jason is an industry leader in communications with over 14 years of experience in strategic and innovative use of digital tools, social media messaging and website content. Now leading efforts in NASA's strategic communications, he's directed the efforts of and executed some of the largest Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat accounts across those platforms, working on projects that have earned three Emmy awards, two Shorty Awards for best use of social media, two Webby Awards for best corporate use of social media and two Webby Awards for best websites.

During his NASA career, Jason has focused on telling the stories of the agency’s people, missions and programs across a digital landscape of over 500 social media accounts on 18 platforms. Working with an in-house social media team, he was at the forefront of communicating NASA’s story to a community of followers grown from 12 million in 2012 to 111 million strong in 2019. Jason has been regularly called on as an expert in the use of social media, advising agency leadership on social media best practices, policy, and upcoming social media activities. He also regularly speaks to external audiences at universities and conferences about case studies and lessons learned from some of NASA’s largest communications campaigns.

Previously, Jason was the webmaster for NOAA, a federal agency that monitors and studies the Earth, and the US Institute of Peace, a non-governmental organization dealing with foreign policy and international relations. At NOAA, he created and developed online content for NOAA.gov and NOAA’s social media accounts. At the Institute, he oversaw the daily operations of the USIP.org web site content management system, e-mail marketing system, social media accounts, and a matrixed team of content contributors. He also worked on the NASA.gov website as a web editor and multimedia producer at both NASA Headquarters and the Goddard Space Flight Center.

Jason got his start as a freelance web designer for small local businesses and university student organizations in 1999.

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About Me
Jason is an industry leader in communications with over 14 years of experience in strategic and innovative use of digital tools, social media messaging and website content. Now leading efforts in NASA's strategic communications, he's previously directed the efforts of and executed some of the largest Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat accounts across those platforms, working on projects that have earned Emmy awards, Shorty Awards for best use of social media and Webby Awards for best corporate use of social media and websites. He is currently a communications program manager at NASA where he is responsible for leading the planning, development and implementation of strategic communications efforts across the agency.
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Jason Townsend on NASA Blogs
Jason Townsend on Vine
Jason Townsend on TripIt
Contact Me
Located just off H Street
Washington, D.C. 20002

[email protected]