Jason Townsend Online space communicator by day who craves good friends, food + wine by night

Jason Townsend Online
"Twitter blasts off at NASA social event" - Twitter Blog

...“The best thing about the social, was that we launched on time, and our guests got to experience MAVEN lifting off Earth toward another planet,” Townsend said. “There’s nothing like it.”

Of course, guests were encouraged to share their experiences beyond the walls of the Space Center. “There isn’t a requirement to post anything,” Townsend said, “but we feel that the content and access we provide you with is so compelling you’ll naturally want to share it with your followers.”

Read more: https://blog.twitter.com/2013/twitter-blasts-off-at-nasa-social-event

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About Me
Jason is an industry leader in communications with over 14 years of experience in strategic and innovative use of digital tools, social media messaging and website content. Now leading efforts in NASA's strategic communications, he's previously directed the efforts of and executed some of the largest Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat accounts across those platforms, working on projects that have earned Emmy awards, Shorty Awards for best use of social media and Webby Awards for best corporate use of social media and websites. He is currently a communications program manager at NASA where he is responsible for leading the planning, development and implementation of strategic communications efforts across the agency.
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Washington, D.C. 20002

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