Jason Townsend Online space communicator by day who craves good friends, food + wine by night

Jason Townsend Online
"Nasa's social media deputy talks IGTV, VR and govt control" - The Drum

Has social media finally moved away from being a ‘nice to have’ option and become an integral part of the marketing mix? "Social has to be integrated. Fans of your brand are already talking about you, even if you aren't on social. It's much healthier to be a voice in the conversation, assisting fans & […]

"Digital Summit DC Showcases Top Minds, Latest Trends in Media and Digital Marketing" - Tech In DC

Jason Townsend, NASA’s Deputy Social Media Manager, presented on NASA’s efforts to consolidate its communication channels and social presence, which left many attendees stunned by the fact that a government agency seemingly has a more sophisticated communications operation than most private enterprises. Read more: https://techindc.com/2018/08/30/digital-summit-dc-showcases-top-minds-latest-trends-in-media-and-digital-marketing/

"Twitch, Pinterest, Instagram, chatbots and video are the future of social media say Social Buzz judges" - The Drum

"What we should be looking out for is the next evolution of video. It has become such a juggernaut in the social media space and when you look at the players out there like Roku, Chromecast and Apple TV, they are going to become more interesting because they are full screen, sit at home and […]

"How Nasa is reshaping video, influencers and taking on the world" - The Drum

For Nasa’s deputy social media manger, Jason Townsend and his team, data is one of the biggest areas that they work in and are constantly analysing what's working and what’s not. For the past couple of years, they’ve also been retooling how they make video. Before, they would repurpose TV content that ran for seven […]

"What’s the most important metric for online science communicators?" - 2017 Winston Churchill Fellowship Project

Jason Townsend at NASA sees analytics for hundreds of accounts, each with thousands or millions of followers. What’s the one key metric he’s looking for? Shares. A key goal for them is reaching more people and shares take you beyond your immediate followers and into their networks. It’s also a great measure of whether your […]

"Tech Talk with Jason Townsend" - Travel Insider by Qantas

A NASA social media manager explains how the space agency keeps its 29 million Instagram followers intrigued... ...What advice would you give to other organisations about using social media? Find what’s unique about you, put it out there and listen to feedback to make it better. I realise not everyone has access to spaceships and […]

"Need some 'space' in life?" - Brand Equity from the Economic Times

NASA runs a total of 527 social media accounts across 16 platforms ... How does that help with their “shareability” objective, one wonders? Townsend says: “If you look at some of our accounts - like the International Space Station (ISS) account in relation to the big NASA account, the audience overlap between the two is […]

"How Publishers and Brands Can Navigate Social Media Publishing in 2018" - NewsWhip

"In 2018, I expect to see more experiential media-rich content on social media. With more augmented and virtual reality technology getting into the hands of audiences, I expect to see more content produced that takes advantage of this and allows people to be embedded in ways that can transport them to everything from galaxies far, […]

"Social Media Tips from NASA" - Science‐Technology Activities and Resources Library Education Network

Social media can provide your library with a world of opportunity when it comes to promoting programs and disseminating information; yet, to many STEM professionals and library staff, social media is a daunting challenge. What kind of language should you use when creating a post? How do you find the best images and videos to […]

About Me
Jason is an industry leader in communications with over 14 years of experience in strategic and innovative use of digital tools, social media messaging and website content. Now leading efforts in NASA's strategic communications, he's previously directed the efforts of and executed some of the largest Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat accounts across those platforms, working on projects that have earned Emmy awards, Shorty Awards for best use of social media and Webby Awards for best corporate use of social media and websites. He is currently a communications program manager at NASA where he is responsible for leading the planning, development and implementation of strategic communications efforts across the agency.
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Jason Townsend on NASA Blogs
Jason Townsend on Vine
Jason Townsend on TripIt
Contact Me
Located just off H Street
Washington, D.C. 20002

[email protected]