Night Sky Network members joined Jason Townsend, NASA's Acting Social Media Manager, on Tuesday, October 17 as he shared how NASA gets their message out to the public through social media. There are many of us who stare at the stars each night & wonder about our place in the universe. We feel the need […]
La gestion des réseaux sociaux de la NASA est un exemple pour beaucoup de community managers. L’agence gouvernementale responsable du programme spatial américain diffuse du contenu sur plus de 500 comptes, sur 16 plateformes différentes. Pour en savoir plus sur la stratégie de la NASA sur les réseaux sociaux et sur l’organisation du community management, nous […]
"There's a lot of people who follow us because it taps back into that childlike wonderment that they had when they were a kid," said Jason Townsend, deputy social media manager at NASA. "I think we can really connect in a way that is relevant and resonates really well with our audience." Watch:
"We’re always looking for opportunities to be part of the bigger, overarching conversation that’s happening on social media, because there’s a certain audience that already follows NASA and they’re kind of naturally gravitating toward us. But there’s definitely other audiences out there that if NASA was part of a conversation that they’re talking about, rather […]
“We [are promoting] our presence in Austin on our social media channels and encourage the sharing of NASA-related content using the #NASASXSW hashtag during the event,” remarked Jason Townsend NASA‘s deputy social media manager. Read more:
Jason Townsend, NASA deputy social media manager, said his team takes advantage of trending topics, anniversaries, and other connections in the news to draw in new audiences. For instance, it allowed British boy band One Direction to shoot a music video about a space mission to Mars at NASA facilities. NASA’s social media team filmed […]
Jason Townsend, NASA deputy social media manager, said his team takes advantage of trending topics, anniversaries and other connections in the news to draw in new audiences. For instance, it allowed British boy band One Direction to shoot a music video about a space mission to Mars at NASA facilities. NASA’s social media team filmed […]
Can Snapchat and memes convey serious science? Against the torrent of 10-second videos, animated gifs, listicles, and other "clickbaits," communicating complex scientific information can seem an insurmountable challenge. But the promise of untapped audiences and increased engagement is enticing journalists and public information officers alike to boldly explore new platforms like Snapchat and Facebook Live. […]